Friday, May 20, 2011

Hey...just a thought but according to an article in Thursday's Kalamazoo Gazette, Jesus is supposed to come back on Sat. May 21st. WHOO HOO!

I know.... only the Father knows the day. But I can hope, can't I?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Is anybody out there?

Is anyone reading anything anymore? I still like this idea of sharing our thoughts about what we're reading. It really only works if we write stuff, though. I'm done with the book that countered Love Wins and will write my thoughts soon. It was very interesting.

I'm looking forward to hearing about what you're reading. The verse that signifies this blog says it all.

Hebrews 10: 24-25  "Let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds...Let us encourage one another..."

Please spur and encourage me. :)


Friday, May 6, 2011

Love Wins Loses

Well, I'm done. Reading that book was way more difficult than I ever expected. I am one who, in the past, has enjoyed Rob Bell's teachings and even feel like I grew in my walk with the Lord as a result. But, my heart breaks for him because he seems so confused and off. I'm tempted to go through the book chapter by chapter and point by point and share my thoughts, but I'm not sure that would be healthy.

Generally, four main ideas were problematic for me throughout the book.

1. The misuse of questions.  I am a firm believer in asking questions. I have always said that questioning equals seeking, and God wants us to seek Him. But this was different. The questions Rob asked were not for the purpose of seeking, they were for the purpose of proving a point. And doing that every now and then is okay, but it was so dominating. Essentially, questions were used to manipulate. And maybe some may say, "so what," but it didn't set well with me at all.

2. The misuse of scripture. I'm not going to go into detail and explain how he misused them, I just know that I've never read a book and had the thought so many times, "that's not what that means, I think he's taking that out of context." I realize that I'm not perfect in interpreting scripture and so to have this thought once or twice while reading a book is normal. But it was continuous throughout. Not good.

3. What about faith? He refers to what we believe as our Christian faith, but the reality is that once this life is over, it won't take faith to believe any more. And "without faith, it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6) My pastor mentioned this fact several weeks ago in a sermon and as I read, it was evident that this point was not going to be dealt with.

4. Don't judge God! This is my biggest issue. What gives Rob Bell the right to decide what love is? Just because love being both merciful and just doesn't make sense, doesn't mean it's not what it really is. God is both and God is love. Many times throughout the book he makes a remark something like, "What kind of God is that?" or "Who would want to follow a God like that?" How arrogant! I can't believe he can be okay with this. God is who He shows and says He is all throughout scripture and He doesn't change. He is the potter and we are the clay. We have no right to define what He is. He made us and can do as He pleases. So back to faith. I understand that it doesn't always make sense. But I choose to believe that God is good, even when that doesn't make sense. He says He's good and by faith I believe Him.

What we decide in this life does determine our eternal destination. Part of me would like to think otherwise also, but that's not what God's word tells us. I would love to talk more with anyone about this, as I know I have not been real specific in this entry.

Finally, I end with Matthew 7:13-20.
The Narrow and Wide Gates
    13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
True and False Prophets
    15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

I know this is strong language but we're told to watch out. So the quickest summary I can give on "Love Wins" is simply this:

Love Wins = Bad Fruit = Bad Tree = Equals False Prophet = Heresy

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jesus Wins

Well, I'm not finished yet with "Love Wins" but I found this little video clip that is interesting. I'll still refrain from my thoughts until I'm done reading the book. (it won't be long) I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts. I'll also be sharing some thoughts from another book I'm reading this month called "Out of Your Comfort Zone" by R.T. Kendall. Wow. What a contrast these two books are. Well, more to come. Until then, enjoy this video. Sorry it's copy and paste. Not that hard. Just copy and paste:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Thanks Trevor, I haven't been reading this month, but maybe in this last week, I can finish the book I was reading...."The Me I  Want  To Be"  by Ortberg.....I will make this my goal! :) I have about 1/3 rd left, totally doable!

Monday, April 11, 2011

New Guy

FYI - I have invited my good friend, Ron Elkins to join us in this Fellowship. He and I go back to my Battle Creek days.

Welcome, Ron. Write about whatever you're reading this month. Then next month we'll get back on track to all reading the same book.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Yes, books, plural. The reason is that we are trying something a little different this month. We're all reading a different book and we'll comment on it and let others hear our thoughts about each of the books we're reading. Then we should comment on each others thoughts.

So Doug is reading "The 12th Imam" by Joel Rosenberg. I'm not sure if Patti is reading it too or reading another one. (I'd love to hear your thoughts as well, Patti, you're a good thinker) Adam and Katie are reading "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" by Donald Whitney. Or maybe you're not, but that's the one you said BLBC was doing this month with the Outfitters so I am just assuming. Laurie and I will be reading the new Rob Bell book, "Love Wins," and we can't wait to share our thoughts with you about it. And Leigh Anne, I'm not sure. We'd love to hear from you, Leigh Anne. Read anything, and let us know what you think:)

I miss all of you and I check this blog daily to see if any of you posted anything, hoping to stay connected at least in this little way. That's not to make any of you feel guilty, it's to tell you how much y'all mean to me.

Looking forward to hearing about your books. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011


I don't have much time, but the book was very challenging. Adam and I talked about how if this is the standard for pastors, there aren't too many who are really "qualified", and if only those who lived their lives partially like the book describes (prayerful continually and such) than there would be a lot less churches (since not many pastors seems to live this way) but that those churches would most likely be healthy and thriving. It was convicting to read about praying for our pastors, I am not faithful in that and need to be. The book is a call to pray more, and to pray more deeply and sacrificially. I think I need to wake up a bit earlier so that I have more time to do this, ugg, I am reluctantly asking to be held accountable to this. I know I should be excited to be getting up earlier, but I am not really- hopefully that will come as I realize the awesome opportunity it is..I get so distracted or feel lost when I pray a lot, I need a breakthrough!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


This book is kicking my butt! I am so not ready to be a pastor or a preacher but man my heart longs to be at that place in my prayer life. This seems to be the problem with a lot of churches in the US today. I was sitting in church this last Sunday and just got this overwhelming feeling that this was not the way church was intended to be. Worship was dry, no brokenness, no awe from being in the presence of Holy God. Looking around and seeing people "stone faced" during the message was shocking to me for the first time in a long time. This is not the way this is supposed to be! Where was the moving of the Spirit? Where was the conviction of sin?

Jesus break us! Bring us to the place where everything we do and say in dependent on you and overflows from our "closet time" with you. Help our lives to be lived by the leading of your life giving Spirit and not by the letter that kills.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Power Through Prayer

So the book that you should have gotten by now is actually 8 books by E.M. Bounds put together into one book. The only one we are reading this month is the 7th book in the book called, Power Through Prayer. I so look forward to discussing this book with y'all. You could probably say that this book is to me what the book Heaven is to Doug. It has impacted my life hugely. I hope and pray it does all of yours as well.

One thing to keep in mind as you read, it is written to pastors. So throughout the book, it uses the words pastor, preacher, man, and sermon a lot. I would ask that you proactively decide not to let this distract you and fight the temptation to say this stuff doesn't apply to us because we are not preachers. I believe this book applies to us all. Where it says pastor or preacher, simply insert "messenger of God" or "person of God." We are all preachers/teachers in some way and the truths applied here to preachers are true for us as well. Where it says man or men, simply insert "person" or "men and women." And where it says sermon, simply insert "testimony" or "message." This book is for us.

So I just finished Chapter 1. God is not looking for better methods, He is looking for better men. (men and women) And prayer is the mightiest weapon for us. It gives life and force to all. This is the premise for the rest of the book. Prayer will make us be the men and women God created us to be. It was true for Christ, may it be true for us. What do you think?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

OK, if you're done with the book, you must promise me that you will go to and select sermons....Luke....Parable of the Great Banquet. It is my new favorite sermon and it is the perfect way to end the book. Mark Driscoll even mentions Randy Alcorn and his book on Heaven. But even better....he uses "my" favorite verse. Is 25:6. Promise me you will listen or watch it and then comment on it. PLEASE!

Friday, February 18, 2011

March's Book

Let's get back on track with Adam and Katie and read what they'll be reading. So March's book is "The Complete Works On Prayer" by E.M. Bounds. It's eight books in one. Not sure which one they'll be reading, but I am really looking forward to digging into any of them with y'all. Please order it soon so we can all be on track together. That makes the encouragement work. It's only 7.99 at

Thankful To Be Focussed

I really am very happy that we have taken the time to go through this book. I don't know if the end of the world is near or not, but I do know that it is not getting any easier to live in this world as a Christian. I have a similar feeling about this focus on Heaven as I did about the earth being created in 6 literal days. This is important! Why have we not been taught to have this kind of focus? This heavenly focus helps us live here on this world in a way that pleases the Lord now. So as I finished the book, I was simply filled with gratitude that, once again, the Lord has allowed me to learn more of Him and to look forward to being with Him in the NHNE more than I ever have.

As for some specific thoughts as I finished, here you go:

1. I loved the simple distinction on page 160 of the difference between the present heaven and the future heaven. Simply, "...the emphasis in the present heaven is on the absence of earth's negatives, while in the future heaven it is the presence of earth's positives." That just makes me so excited for the future.

2. Then on page 163, how awesome to think about God preparing a place for us that is made specifically for us. He knows us better than anyone and knows exactly how to make my place perfect for me. I can't wait to see where my bed will be in relation to the full court basketball court:).

3. Page 167 and 177 talk about the things we do here on earth and how we do them simply because we're people, not because we're sinners. And just as I am pleased when my kids enjoy the gifts I give them, God is pleased when we enjoy things he's given us, like a good meal, football, a good book, sex, etc. He points out that the key is enjoying these things with a thankful heart. Gratitude must be our attitude. Then these things draw us closer to God, which is a wonderful thing. Which also means we'll do these things in Heaven as well. (except sex, apparently, since we won't be married, not sure about that one??)

4. Ok, now. So this has to be the best part of this whole book. He brings it up first on page 232, then he expands on it in chapters 26 and 44. We just might be able to go and explore the universe in the NHNE! Wow! I've never even had that thought before. But it makes sense. Unimaginable territories for us to explore and extablish dominion over for God's glory. If gazing through a telescope now makes me worship my Creator, what will it be like to actually go to Orion's belt?

5. Maybe the second best part was when he talks about the large bodies of water. I have often wondered about this. But it made total sense when he said that since we know there's a river, it makes sense that there will be a large body of water also since the river has to flow somewhere. And then, the thought that maybe we'll be able to dive down and hold our breath for hours; that the water can't be harmful to us; that all the beauty of the current oceans will still exist and we'll be able to go see them freely. Wow!

6. Page 283 talks about hearing stories from angels. Oh I can't wait to hear the stories.

7. We'll need each other in Heaven. I don't know if need is the right word, again, but on 340, he states how before sin, God said it was not good for man to be alone, yet God was with him. He says "To take pleasure in another image-bearer doesn't offend God; it pleases him. To enjoy a conversation with a brother or sister does not require making that person an idol or competitor with God." So we'll still enjoy talking with each other, and I'll enjoy telling you about my travels to the Andromeda Galaxy:) In fact, why don't you join me, I'd love the company.

8. So chapter 36, page 359 made me think, I wonder if anyone will want to hear any of my stories from my life on the old earth. He asks who will be on your list of people you'll want to talk to? Mary? David? C.S.Lewis? So I wondered if I'd be on anyone's list. Then he ended that section by asking "How are you serving Christ today so that you may be on someone else's list?" He read my mind. I'm looking forward to talking with Dawson Trotman, and thanking him. C.S.Lewis and Tolkien also. And....the list goes on. Oh well, no matter. We won't have a time crunch. I'll talk to everyone!

9. Not sure I'm on board with the resurrected pets part, though he didn't state it for sure. I do think it very possible that animals will talk, though.

10. Page 411 says our resurrected bodies will develop greater skills. Yes! I'll finally be able to dunk. Maybe we'll have to move the rims to 12 feet.

11. Sports in Heaven. Of course. And not only Sports, but some of the greatest of this time. I'm looking forward, as he points out on page 427, to playing one on one with Pistol Pete and so on. And there will be winners and losers, I agree. Why not? I'm glad we'll still be competitive in Heaven. And maybe after 5,000 years or so, I'll be able to hang with Pistol Pete, or at least beat him in a game of H-O-R-S-E.

12. Unfulfilled dreams fulfilled in Heaven. This is a nice thought. I hope it's true. I remember praying as a kid that I just wanted to be able to get married and have kids and then Jesus could come back. Well, I'm there, but now Tate just told me the same thing. So I want that for him. But I do believe that God will fill those desires and dreams beyond what would have happened here.

13. Finally, back to how I began. This focus on Heaven is so important. On page 436 he says, " many of us are truly looking forward to the New Earth? Consciously? Daily? In your idle moments, when your mind gravitates to whatever excites and interests you most, what do you think about? A new Car? A movie? A business opportunity? A chance to get rich? An attractive man or woman? A fun vacation? Or the New Earth?" Then on 468, "Don't let a day go by without anticipating the new world that Christ is preparing for us." And we must realize, as he says on 469, "Setting our minds on Heaven is a discipline that we need to learn."

Well, those are my thoughts. What do you think? I think that I hope we can keep each other accountable to staying focussed on Heaven. Let's discipline ourselves to be as those heroes of our faith in Hebrews 11. "They were longing for a better country - a heavenly one." (Hebrews 11:16)

The Lord bless you and keep you all.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Will we need?

Not sure what I think about the idea that we'll have needs in the NHNE. Doesn't a sense of need imply a state of knowing you're without? I'm not saying I think we should be lazy bums lying around as the recipients of God's good gifts saying, "serve me, serve me". I just struggle with the idea that there will be increments of time when people will operate without their needs met. Thoughts?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Remember Heaven - Everything matters

I will post. I have been reading. And I, too, check the Fellowship every time I'm on the computer to see if anyone has posted. That is because deep down, we have this need to be encouraged by others. We have set this blog up for just that. So even when I'm not writing, I'm checking. Thanks for your posts, Doug. Don't be discouraged. Be encouraged that you are being an encouragement to us when we see your posts. I want to encourage you as well, so here you go

Thanks so much for being the spur to make us get into this book. I was just talking last night with the kids about it. First we were talking about the book we're reading together as a family (actually we just finished it today), A Wrinkle In Time, and I was saying to them that in the end times, I believe it will be like what we were reading, that there will be evil that will seem good, and we will be tempted to join the wrong side, and it will actually seem like the right thing to do. The anti Christ will fool many who right now claim to follow Jesus into following him, because it will seem like the right thing to do. Then I asked the kids if they were prepared for such a situation and could they stand on what they believe, no matter what happens, even if it seems like they should follow the evil that won't seem like evil. They said they think they are ready. I hope so. I hope we all are. I believe it is very possible that that time is coming soon. I believe it will be very sad in that day, when many are lead astray, into darkness. BUT THEN, I remembered Heaven! And Hebrews 11. And how those who lived by faith were like they were because they lived as aliens and strangers in a foreign land. They looked forward to a heavenly city. Their minds were on what was to come, not the current world we're in now. The kids and I talked about how that focus would help us stand against the evil in the end times. So what if this world leader brings peace (false peace). So what if for things on this world it seems like the right thing to do to follow him. We are not made for this world. Oh how good it was to share and talk with the kids this way. I truly believe that our focus on Heaven will help us through the end times, if we have to endure it. I know the pretribulation folks will say we won't have to and we'll all have been raptured, and I hope they're right. But what if midtrib is actually the way it works? What if? So I believe we need to be ready, then if it's not that way, great. Anyway, even if the pretrib people are right, who's to say we may not need to have the ability to stand against evil and stand for what we believe individually in our own situations as so many have had to through the years. We need to be ready. Heaven is what we're made for and our focus on that time will help us be ready.


So are you ready? Will you give in to the evil which will seem good in the end times? I pray and hope not. Heaven is our home. I can't wait.

Now, as to my favorite part of the book so far as Doug asked us all two posts ago. Firstly, just generally, it is as I said already. The best part is just getting our focus on what we are made for. Not so we ignore our current lives. But so that our current lives are transformed to be all that God created us to be while here in this world and into the next. But specifically, not many other things have I ever read in a book that have been as encouraging to me as the paragraph on page 134. He is breaking down 1 Corinthians 15:58 and the part that says, "...our labor in the Lord is not in vain." I've never really meditated on that part. The paragraph at the top of that page says, "Every kingdom work, whether publicly performed or privately endeavoured, partakes of the kingdom's imperishable character. Every honest intention, every stumbling word of witness, every resistance of temptation, every motion of repentance, every gesture of concern, every routine engagement, every motion of worship, every struggle towards obedience, every mumbled prayer, everything, literally, which flows out of our faith-relationship with the Ever-Living One, will find its place in the ever-living heavenly order which will dawn at his coming." (bold added)

Thank you Jesus! Our labor is not in vain. I guess it doesn't say some labor, or even labor that seems to have good outcomes. Just labor. And following our Lord is labor. We live in the realm of the enemy right now. Battle is upon us. Just getting out of be in the morning is an act of war when we're right minded. I have always loved 1 Cor. 15:58, but now even more so. Give me a pulpit:) Anyway, I hope that is as much of an encouragement to you as it was to me. It all matters. Every bit of work for the Lord. Little things to big things. Turning off junk on TV to going on a mission trip. It all matters. 1 Cor 15:58 says so. God says so. Oh how good He is. To Him be all the glory!

I love you all.

Is everyone still reading?

Everyday when I get on our computer and check my e-mail and facebook, I check The Fellowship just in case someone posts something. And everyday I'm disappointed. Nobody writes anything, nobody shares anything. Well I will.

I received my package from EPM and I'm enjoying the videos, especially the one with Donald Miller. Randy Alcorn does a great job of explaining things. If we get together when this book is done, maybe we can watch it. I also received a small group study guide and I really like it. It doesn't force you to read the whole book, although I don't know why you wouldn't, but has a condensed version split up into 5 day a week lessons for 6 weeks. Our church is doing a different format of SS and are looking for people to teach 12 week classes with a multitude of subjects. So I actually talked to the pastor about doing this one. It's kind of out of my comfort zone but I'm certainly excited about it. And we also got a wonderfully illustrated children's book by Randy Alcorn called Wait Until Then. I read it to Suzie and got choked up way too many times. I highly recommend it too. So I'll sign off with a just WAIT UNTIL THEN!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

As I was reading this morning....@ 5:30 lest any of you continue to question my life of semi-retirement, I skipped to the back of the book where I found Randy Alcorns website, It stands for Eternal Perspective Ministries and the website is great. But be warned, I couldn't resist some of the resources and my wife busted me as I was trying to order. They have been looking for options for new SS classes at church, so I ordered some options to investigate. I also ordered a book called "Wait Until Then". It is an illustrated book about a Grandpa who is old and dying of cancer and his grandson in a wheelchair talking about whether there will be baseball in heaven. Tell me how I was supposed to not buy this book? And then the clincher, 100% of the proceeds of the book go to Joni & Friends. And then I love Donald Miller and his books and guess what, there was a dvd of Donald and Randy discussing Heaven. Again, how could I resist? I'll keep you updated on it all.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

An extension sounds good to me. I actually think you could go even longer. Having read it before and now re-reading it, I'm learning new things that I kinda skimmed over before. And maybe I just forget them... who knows. What's your favorite part so far?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Big Book = Extention

I know the idea here was to read a book a month, but I propose an extension for this book. Can we please continue on this path until the end of Feb.? All those in favor say, Aye.

I know this makes it difficult for Adam and Katie, as they'll be moving on to a new book this month. (though the book they're reading is "The Pursuit of God" by Tozer and I really wanted to read that book with y'all) So I'm kind of torn. But I would like to finish this book now, or I possibly never will.

So, Adam and Katie, you must post some entries about your book and let us in on Tozer's wisdom, as well as respond to what you see us posting about Heaven.

Let's keep this up. It will take all of us to make it not die. I really love doing this with y'all. Read and share. It will spur one another on as Heb 10:24-25 tells us to do.

So, extension????

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Doug, you are posting right so no worries! The other things you wrote were comments to Trevor's post, but Posting is better, so keep doing what you are for closer to Heaven than the rest of us....really? I don't think that fact taht you are older makes you closer, cuz no one knows when their life here on earth will end ;) (just giving you a hard time)
Anyway, I only read one chapter and so much to wrap my mind around. Chap. 6, basically discussing a physical or spiritual present heaven. He answered a lot of my questions, and I feel like bibically based for sure. I have always wondered how that whole soul went to heaven and body still buried worked. I guess I have a hard time picturing how a disembodied soul exudes "life". You know what I mean? So I liked how he explained kind of a "inbetween body" of some sort and then also talked about Enoch, Elijah, Elisha, and Moses, great examples of what it might be for those in the current heaven. Chap. 7 looks good, but trying to read this book while sittting in starbucks is not a good idea....I need every bit of brain I have to focus :) Sorry I am not so deep :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm still having trouble figuring out where to post comments. This is the 3rd way I've done it, and I don't always see my other posts. What am I doing wrong? Besides getting old and losing my tech abilities. Oh well, I'm not older....I'm just closer to heaven than the rest of you.

I love D.L. Moodys quote on page 31. I also love the picture of vision of the heavenly city, the New Jerusulem, coming down from the intermediate heaven, to be relocated on the New Earth. I picture this being the place where "in my Father's house are many rooms." Will we all go to our Fathers house, where we have our own room, for Christmas and maybe Easter. Maybe all the Jewish Holidays too. I love holidays and I think God does too.

Are we moving on too section 3, chapter 8 yet? I'm trying stay with everyone else but since I seem to be the only one blogging here, I just don't know?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Treasure Principle

Well, we aren't reading "Heaven" but we read "The Treasure Principle" by Randy Alcorn. It was short, but did not fall short of great challenge, reflection, etc. The main idea is GIVE! And then give some more! It talked about how tithing is kind of the minimum, not the end result of giving and that there is great blessing in giving. He talked about giving now, instead of stock piling tons for later (when you may die before you get to give it). I was def. challenged, and am excited to process this with my hubby.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Heaven thoughts

 (This post is the same as my comment on the other post. I'm just wondering if this is a better way to do it?? All of you should have the ability to create a post like this. So look at both formats and let me know which way you like better. I know that sometimes I miss the comments section, but a new post I usually see. Just a thought. Plus, on a post, I can put cool pictures like this one:))

So, Heaven. Laurie and I talk about having the same definition of terms. This is so important when talking about Heaven. Present Heaven or Eternal Heaven (or New Earth). This is a distinction that must be made in our conversations, yet it (up til now) never has been. So, now that we have the same definition of terms, we can continue without confusing one another.

So here are some of my random thoughts:
1. I'm glad he mentions Hell and it's reality and focuses a little on it. Page 24 says it best. "The reality of Hell should break our hearts and take us to our knees and to the doors of those without Christ."
2. Jackie Chan says in the new Karate Kid, "Kung Fu is everything, and everything is Kung Fu." I beg to differ. But replace Kung Fu with Balance, and I agree. On pg 16 he says that Satan sabotages us by getting us to see Heaven as undesirable or unimaginable. Somewhere I wouldn't want to go, or somewhere that's too good to be true. I'm sure the word balance will come up more as we continue this.
3. I know this is a book by Randy Alcorn, but I'm convinced C.S. Lewis was a genius. His writings never cease to amaze me. Take his story of the Silver Chair. This point about Heaven and Earth, that the things of Earth are an extension of Heaven, not the other way around, was so wonderfully depicted in that story. (Alcorn makes the same point again on pg 54 in case we didn't catch it the first time.) Lewis is quoted many times, and I love it.
4. I like the idea that Eden is in the New Jerusalem in the Present Heaven right now. That helps my brain imagine better. It also answers where is Eden, thinking it is still here. Which leads to that whole part about string theory he mentioned and how scientists believe there could be ten dimensions that we can't see out there. So Eden was just part of a different dimension that, before sin, God allowed Adam and Eve to see. Maybe.??
5. Pg 52 talks of how when drawing inferences about Heaven, why would we draw them from the nature of God? Heaven is created, God is not. So it would make more sense to draw our inferences from the nature of man. Good thought.
6. We are commanded to set our hearts and minds on Heaven. pg 20-21, or Col 3:1,2. So good thing we're reading this. And we probably should never stop talking about it.
7. The beginning chapter talks of the neglect of past great men, books, and sermons to mention the reality of Heaven. I think I knew this, but it was crazy to see the facts of how it is such a neglected truth. Oh how the enemy has won so many victories in this area. It's so true what he says on pg. 11, that our incorrect thinking of Heaven causes us to set our minds on this life, this world, and therefore, not be motivated to share our faith. May it not be so for us.

Well, that's all for now. Please don't expect this long of comments from me all the time. It just worked out this way. Neither do I expect your comments to be this long.

I'm very glad we're doing this and look forward to the month and months ahead.

God bless you all.

By the way, you can't mention a "discussion" that happened without letting the rest of us know what the discussion was about.