Thursday, March 10, 2011

Power Through Prayer

So the book that you should have gotten by now is actually 8 books by E.M. Bounds put together into one book. The only one we are reading this month is the 7th book in the book called, Power Through Prayer. I so look forward to discussing this book with y'all. You could probably say that this book is to me what the book Heaven is to Doug. It has impacted my life hugely. I hope and pray it does all of yours as well.

One thing to keep in mind as you read, it is written to pastors. So throughout the book, it uses the words pastor, preacher, man, and sermon a lot. I would ask that you proactively decide not to let this distract you and fight the temptation to say this stuff doesn't apply to us because we are not preachers. I believe this book applies to us all. Where it says pastor or preacher, simply insert "messenger of God" or "person of God." We are all preachers/teachers in some way and the truths applied here to preachers are true for us as well. Where it says man or men, simply insert "person" or "men and women." And where it says sermon, simply insert "testimony" or "message." This book is for us.

So I just finished Chapter 1. God is not looking for better methods, He is looking for better men. (men and women) And prayer is the mightiest weapon for us. It gives life and force to all. This is the premise for the rest of the book. Prayer will make us be the men and women God created us to be. It was true for Christ, may it be true for us. What do you think?


  1. I've read this one before and, honestly, I'm afraid to read it again. Is anyone else reading? If so, fasten your seat belt.

  2. I've had a tough time getting started. I read the Foreword by Jim Cymbala and he called EM Bounds a simple man who said so much with simple sentences. As I started chapter 1 I was not following things very well and was feeling that I must be the simple one but I now think that was the enemy. I've started again and it's starting to click. :)

    I like his statement in Chapter 1. It is not great talents nor great learning nor great preachers that God needs, but men great in holiness, great in faith, great in love, great in fidelity, great for God... Hey I fit the first part, maybe I can fit the second part with some work!

    Chapter 3 made me sad. I was confused by the title, The Letter Killeth, but as I read it, I saw our former church & pastor. "Unmarked by any freshness of thought or feeling...Under such preaching how wide and utter the desolation! How profound the spiritual death!" And then his discourse on Professional praying and his plea for short praying, live praying, real heart praying.... I'm loving this T!

    Chapter 4 "The character of our praying will determine the character of our preaching." I'm going to chew on that one for today.

  3. I can only read one chapter at a time because it is so rich. Katie suggested that I only underline the parts that don't strike a cord with me because it would be less lines :)
