Thursday, March 24, 2011


This book is kicking my butt! I am so not ready to be a pastor or a preacher but man my heart longs to be at that place in my prayer life. This seems to be the problem with a lot of churches in the US today. I was sitting in church this last Sunday and just got this overwhelming feeling that this was not the way church was intended to be. Worship was dry, no brokenness, no awe from being in the presence of Holy God. Looking around and seeing people "stone faced" during the message was shocking to me for the first time in a long time. This is not the way this is supposed to be! Where was the moving of the Spirit? Where was the conviction of sin?

Jesus break us! Bring us to the place where everything we do and say in dependent on you and overflows from our "closet time" with you. Help our lives to be lived by the leading of your life giving Spirit and not by the letter that kills.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think we sit stone-faced because we're so comfortable and safe? Whenever I'm faced with the reality of the church around the world and all that they're enduring, I am drawn to prayer. I think we get too inwardly focused and lose sight of the magnitude of the revolution of which we're a part. Sometimes we get in the mode of "I've heard this all before". That's about the time that I need to remember that I'm bored because I choose to be. Jesus isn't boring. If it's boring, we're probably way too comfortable.

    This book is probably rippling the still water in all of us. The first step - what's the take-away? Let's commit to fiercely pray for one another.
