Monday, April 4, 2011


I don't have much time, but the book was very challenging. Adam and I talked about how if this is the standard for pastors, there aren't too many who are really "qualified", and if only those who lived their lives partially like the book describes (prayerful continually and such) than there would be a lot less churches (since not many pastors seems to live this way) but that those churches would most likely be healthy and thriving. It was convicting to read about praying for our pastors, I am not faithful in that and need to be. The book is a call to pray more, and to pray more deeply and sacrificially. I think I need to wake up a bit earlier so that I have more time to do this, ugg, I am reluctantly asking to be held accountable to this. I know I should be excited to be getting up earlier, but I am not really- hopefully that will come as I realize the awesome opportunity it is..I get so distracted or feel lost when I pray a lot, I need a breakthrough!

1 comment:

  1. So, Katie, your reflection begins by focusing on pastors, but you end with personal application. Was it easy to pass this off as a book for pastors and not apply the truths to all of us, or were you able to make the transition in your mind that what he was saying could apply to all of us? It sounds like you are applying it to yourself. I believe we are all influencers of others in some way, whether it be our kids or just the person we meet in Meijer. The question is, is our conversation going to be life giving or deadening? May we encourage one another to be on our knees seeking the Lord's help in all we do so that we can be His instruments to bring life to all who cross our paths. I will be praying for you to get up earlier, Katie. You are a morning person. Yes, you are.
