Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm still having trouble figuring out where to post comments. This is the 3rd way I've done it, and I don't always see my other posts. What am I doing wrong? Besides getting old and losing my tech abilities. Oh well, I'm not older....I'm just closer to heaven than the rest of you.

I love D.L. Moodys quote on page 31. I also love the picture of vision of the heavenly city, the New Jerusulem, coming down from the intermediate heaven, to be relocated on the New Earth. I picture this being the place where "in my Father's house are many rooms." Will we all go to our Fathers house, where we have our own room, for Christmas and maybe Easter. Maybe all the Jewish Holidays too. I love holidays and I think God does too.

Are we moving on too section 3, chapter 8 yet? I'm trying stay with everyone else but since I seem to be the only one blogging here, I just don't know?

1 comment:

  1. Doug, don't doubt yourself. If your words make it to the blog then it's a success! I have to confess, I'm not reading the book in the normal fashion. I keep skipping around and reading parts that intrigue me. I love the fact that this book is out there. Many of the ideas he presents I had the joy of discovering through a Precepts study I participated in. So, move on in the discussion - we will continue to give our two cents worth.
